Youth Ministry
Our mission is to equip and empower our youth to grow in Christ and live their faith within the congregation and community. Join our Facebook Group for parents: KOK Parents Sign up for text alerts: MS Youth Ministry HS Youth Ministry Confirmation - 7th-8th Grade Orientation is on September 15th at 10 am in the sanctuary. Starting September 22nd, we meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 am in Room 102 (Mrs. Incitti's Classroom). Click on the button below for the worship notes outline or the service project reflection page. High School Bible Study - 9th-12th Grade We meet in the Youth Room from 9:45-10:45 am every Sunday beginning September 15th. On September 8th, we will be sharing about our Alaska Mission Trip in the Adult Bible Study. Contact Director of Christian Education, Sally Schuster, for any questions regarding the Youth Ministry.
Office: 612-540-0714 |
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